Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bless Your Heart, Tramp and Other Southern Endearments

By Celia Rivenbark

Celia Rivenbark is a newspaper columnist with the Myrtle Beach Sun News. This is her first collection of humorous columns and it focuses on Southern living and the Southern point of view. Some of the titles of columns featured are: "Happy Meal Hostage"; "Home-Depot Blues"; "Lady Viagra"; "Revenge of the Amish Friendship Bread"; "Southerners vs Snow"; "Southern Measurements: A Dab or a Teense?"; "Lard Is Good, Lard Is Great"; "Fake Dog Testicles"; "Tofu Shrinks Your Brain"; "Is That a Penis in the Petunias?" and many, many more. All of the columns are amusing, some more than others, and some are just plain funny. All in all, a good time will be had.

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