Saturday, October 21, 2006

Three Weeks in Paris

By Barbara Taylor Bradford

It is about four women who went to design school together in Paris. Something happened at that school and now the women all hate each other. But it is their teacher's 85th birthday and they are all going back to Paris to celebrate it with her.
The four women are all talented and successful but unfulfilled. None of them have managed to find true love. They are all gorgeous (naturally). Even the fat one is gorgeous and she manages to
lose all her excess weight before the big birthday reunion.
They also all manage to find their true loves by the time of the party and all is forgiven when they discover that their big blowup was all just a mistaken impression.

You know, it is bad enough that in romance novels there is always at least one gorgeous woman. But this one had four of the blighted things. And if there was any way Bradford could have made it believable, even the 85-year-old would have been gorgeous! But her gorgeousness is just hinted at.
This romance story was pretty dull. I skipped a lot of it and I was reading the condensed version from Reader's Digest.

Publishers Weekly review:

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