Monday, February 05, 2007

The Battle for God

By Karen Armstrong

This interesting book takes a look at the root causes of the development of religious fundamentalism in the three main monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It starts by explaining the history of these three religions and how they changed over time in response to changing culture. Then it looks at how fundamentalism has become such a powerful and mostly harmful force in the world today. Armstrong's theory is that fundamentalism arose as a response to fear and a loss of identity as people faced the secular & technological trends of modern society. Rejecting mainstream, worldly values, people sought to create a return to a simpler, purer life through a study and application of precepts taught in the scriptures of each different religion. However, in their fear of losing themselves, they overreact with violence and intolerance, justifying their hate-filled doctrines as vital to the survival of their religion and to the ultimate perfection of society in their search for a godly culture. Of course, each fundamentalist regime sees its path as the only true path to God and all others as deceived and tools of Satan.
Fundamentalism in the three religions has followed a very similar path, amazingly so. The basic arguments put forth by fundamentalists in all three are pretty much interchangeable.
Review from Publisher's Weekly:

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