Friday, April 20, 2007

Kabbalah A Love Story

By Lawrence Kushner

Well, I guess Jewish mysticism is just not for me.
I found this book dense and incomprehensible. The plot was disappointing as the mysterious page [SPOILER] turns out to be just some filler a guy used when he was making the back cover. He just grabbed an old piece of paper that had a short note about the creation on it and stuck it in to make the cover the right thickness. The creation occurred when Nothing (or as some like to say, God) loosed the dark spark and there's this primordial womb and they come together and hello! Everything is either created or uncreated: I couldn't figure out which. It's beyond me.
One thing I strongly question in the book is this statement: "You ever try to be reverent and injure someone at the same time? Sorry, it can't be done." I immediately thought about those Islamics who blow themselves up, intending to kill as many people as they can. Don't most of those guys believe they are doing what Allah wants them to do? Isn't it an act of faith, misguided and sick as it may be? I expect it makes one pretty reverent when he presses that switch to end his own life and other's lives.

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