Friday, April 20, 2018

Get Fuzzy : Groovitude

By Darby Conley

A daily comic strip featuring Rob Wilco and his two pets, Satchel, the dog and Bucky, the cat. Although these pets are more like really stupid or very innocent small humans than animals. Satchel is mainly the butt of Bucky's stunts and Bucky provides most of the drama, with his craziness and wild schemes.

I was not familiar with the strip since I haven't bought a newspaper since the 1990s. I found the idea of dogs and cats conversing with humans a bit strange. Snoopy never spoke out loud, nor did Garfield. They had thought bubbles but no actual voice. Not only do this dog and cat talk, but Bucky is supposed to clean out his own litter box and Satchel sometimes does the cooking, although his concoctions are apt to appeal more to dogs than humans, like his cake with liver frosting. I would have liked to post that comic strip on here, but my scanner is not currently available due to computer problems. So instead here are a couple strips  I found online:


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