Thursday, November 07, 2019

The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax

It was a simple assignment. Meet the woman at the hotel and give her the money and the passport. For her security, a man would discretely follow Mrs. Pollifax everywhere she went. And if worse came worse, she had the name of a super-secret contact to turn to for help.
Mrs. Pollifax checked into the hotel, went into the dining room with the signal book and waited. But as soon as the woman sat down, the police showed up. The woman slipped away and left Mrs. Pollifax to face the police alone.
In police custody, they wanted to know why Mrs. Pollifax was consorting with a wanted fugitive. Of course Mrs. Pollifax fobbed them off, claiming not to know the woman and that she thought her just a homeless person. The police allowed her to return to her hotel, but they kept her passport. Now she was stuck in Turkey, unable to leave and knowing that the woman would never return to the hotel again. The assignment was a failure. And it was apparent that someone tipped off the police as to the assignation: a mole within the CIA organization.
And now Mrs. Pollifax's backup man was dead, shot through the heart. Was she next? And what about the desperate woman she had been sent to Turkey to help?Good thing she has an ace in the hole: the super-secret contact. Or is it?

This was an exciting read, as Mrs. Pollifax and the friends she makes along the way struggle from misadventure to misadventure, facing seemingly insurmountable odds yet coming out on top at the end.

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