Thursday, December 26, 2019

Breed To Come

By Andre Norton

Humankind long ago abandoned their home planet after they managed to imperial their very existence on it. Left behind were the animals who were subject to their cruel experiments, dogs, cats, rats and swine.
Left to their own devices, the animal clans increased in intelligence, creating their own societies and gleaning knowledge from the empty cities left behind by humankind.
Furtig, a young catman, has left his home and gone off to the human city in search of knowledge and in search of his relative, the wise cat Gammage. Gammage has spent much time in the city trying to understand the human technology and use it to better the lives of his fellow cat people. But, as a result of his studies, he has come to fear that the humans will soon be returning to their world. And he fears they will once again cruelly rule those they left behind, the dogs, the cats, the rats and the pigs. Who are no longer mere animals. And who just may have a plan to fight back.

This was an OK read. Just how Gammage is so certain the humans are due to shortly return is never clearly explained. And when they humans do return, it is only four people who are searching for a cure to another human-created blight that is once again threatening human existence. They just can't manage to do anything right, the poor stupid unworthy humans.

Review by Kirkus Reviews.

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