Thursday, March 12, 2020

Never After

By Rebecca Lickiss

The fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty, retold. Only this time, instead of a sleeping princess, it's three princes.
Prince Athelstan is looking for a bride. Due to unknown circumstances, eligible princesses are in short supply. So when he finds out about Sleeping Beauty, he sets off to rescue her and find himself a bride. He is puzzled and disappointed to discover the promised princess is instead three sleeping princes. But he does find a sleeping beauty he quite fancies, one of the ladies of the court. Like everyone is the castle, she is fast asleep. Looks like the Prince is going to have to find a princess to awaken the sleeping princes with a kiss. And he knows just the girl, his willful cousin, Princess Vevila.  She is not fond of court life and longs for adventure. He also invites along three wizards to do magic battle with the witch that put the princes to sleep and who is adamantly opposed  to them being awakened.
So begins the quest to awaken the princes and find a bride for Athelstan. In the process, Rumplestiltskin will play an important part. Cinderella, aka Amelanchier, and her evil stepmom and two ugly stepsisters will stick their noses into the business and the princess of the Princess and the Pea fame also shows up.

I kept waiting for Snow White to show up and join the party. But she never did. We do get a frog prince who gets kissed towards the end of the story. Anyway, this is supposed to be a humorous take on the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale but it was only mildly amusing and mostly boring.

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