Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Dewey Decimal System of Love

By Josephine Carr

Alison Sheffield is a forty year old librarian and a near virgin. The last time she had an intimate relationship was in her twenties. But she likes her life, her job, her apartment, her friends. She is content. That is until she saw Aleksi Kullio. Handsome, talented Aleksi is the new symphony conductor and Alison is smitten. Problem is, Aleksi is married and his wife is beautiful, blonde, sexy: the very image of a trophy wife. How can a mousy, quiet, near-sighted, modest near-virgin librarian possibly compete with that?

This was fun read. For a mousy librarian, Alison has a lot going on in her life. Problems at work, volunteering at the concert hall (to get closer to Aleksi), strained relationships with both her father and mother. And a valuable document that has disappeared with the suspicion falling on Alison.

Review by Kirkus Reviews.

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