Monday, September 28, 2020

Swords Against Wizardry


By Fritz Leiber

Fafhrd and Gray Mouser are off on two more adventures, chasing after that ever elusive pot of gold.

Their first adventure takes them to the high mountains of the far north. According to a cryptic poem, treasure and romance await the heroes who can scale the mighty mountain, Stardock. Fafhrd, born and bred at the foot of this mountain range, will use his expertise to guide them up the treacherous heights.
But since this is Nehwon, naturally it won't be just mountaineering. Monsters, visions, lusty maidens, and various opponents will play their part too.
The second adventure is in the peculiar kingdom of Quarmall where two princes are eagerly awaiting the death of the king, their father Quarmal. Naturally, each brother desires to be king. So they plot against each other and this is where our two heroes come in. Unbeknownst to each other, they have been separately hired as body guards, Fafhrd to protect Prince Hasjarl and Gray Mouser to protect Prince Gwaay. What none of them know is that the king has his own plot to place his unborn son on the throne instead of either of his two adult sons. And our two heroes are mere pawns in the king's plot against his own children.

Both stories present memorable locations and plots. The lads struggle up the snowy mountains is like reading a climber's story of going up Everest. And the story of Quarmall, which I first read decades ago, is of a place so odd that it has stuck in my memory all these many years.

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