Saturday, October 31, 2020

They Came to Stay


By Marjorie Margolies and Ruth Gruber

Back in the early seventies, Marjorie Margolies decided she wanted to adopt a child from Korea. At the time, she was a career woman and not married although she had not ruled out marriage at some time in the future. In those days, unmarried women (and men, I suppose) were not encouraged to adopt children. But Marjorie was determined and flew to Korea to find the child of her dreams: Lee Heh. 

Lee Heh was a dream child, sweet, smart, enthusiastic about her new life and new mother. Sure, there were adjustments, but Lee Heh did fantastically well. So well, indeed, that Marjorie began to think of adopting a second child to be a little sister to Lee Heh. This time she set her sights on Vietnam, this being the time when the Vietnam war was winding down. 

And so Holly (not her birth name) came into their lives. Unlike Lee Heh, Holly's father was an American and Holly really didn't look Vietnamese. Whatever the truth of Holly's origin, it soon became clear that she was a troubled child. Marjorie and Lee Heh's lives were disrupted by Holly's rages and neediness. Holly spoke almost no English and Marjorie had a difficult time figuring out what she was so upset about. Eventually Marjorie found a Vietnamese student to serve as translator and together they found out what Holly was finding difficult to deal with in her new homeland. The whole family went into therapy to help Holly deal with her childhood traumas and to help Marjorie and Lee Heh deal with Holly.

This was a very engrossing and true story. But beyond adopting the two girls, Marjorie went on to have quite a life. She worked for NBC News and won several Emmys during her career. She also ran for Congress and served during President Bill Clinton's term. Holly and Lee Heh were not her only children. She later married and one of her sons is married to Chelsea Clinton. Marjorie is quite an accomplished and amazing woman.

Review by the New York Times.

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