Monday, May 30, 2022

The Paradox Hotel


By Rob Hart

January Cole is the head of security at the Paradox Hotel. The hotel serves the wealthy time travelers who have paid big money to visit the past. January used to travel to the past too but now she is can no longer due to health concerns. Unfortunately, repeated trips to the past have a deleterious effect on the time travelers health. January is in danger of slipping into the final, last stage of being "Unstuck" where the sufferer becomes catatonic. Being this far along in the affliction means that sometimes January gets glimpses of the future and of the past. 

But there are big doings at Paradox Hotel because the government is going to sell the time travel business to private investors and the four main investors have checked into the hotel for meeting to determine who will gain ownership of the hotel and the time travel business. Not surprisingly though, someone has decided to try to gain an advantage by cheating and is willing to commit murder to do so. Which January realizes when she sees a dead man in one of the hotel rooms that no one else can see and it is clearly one of her frequent glimpses of times future and times past. And since she is the only one who can see this future, it is up to her to solve a murder that has not yet been committed.

I enjoyed this story quite a bit. Although I didn't care the ending, which seemed like a gyp for poor unhappy January, who is still mired in grief for her lost lover. Still, it was quite an interesting story. 

Review by Kirkus Reviews.

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