Thursday, May 30, 2024

Carpe Jugulum


By Terry Pratchett

The king of Lancre just became a father for the first time and he felt it would be a good idea to invite the neighbors to his daughter's naming ceremony. A bad idea, since the neighboring country, Uberwald, is a land ruled by vampires and inviting vampires into your home is never going to work out well.

Sure enough, the vampire family, Count Magpyr and his wife, son and daughter move into the castle and take over the king's mind and turn the locals into cattle to be "milked" for their blood.  The queen, Magrat, who is a witch, escapes the castle with her baby and joins forces with her old friends, a coven of witches, who take it upon themselves to rid the kingdom of Lancre of the Magpyr family and their vampire associates. But they are going to need a little help, which comes in the form of a priest of Om (a cult know for its history of burning witches) and a young phoenix. 

This was a fairly good read. The poor king comes off as a complete fool and does very little to save his kingdom and Granny Weatherwax, a powerful witch and a recurring character in the series, spends most of the story stumbling around the countryside getting wet and falling down and ends up bitten by the vampires. Still it all comes together in the end, with the various characters doing their bit to bring down the reign of the vampire invaders. 

Here is a review by Publishers Weekly.

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