Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sounding Off


By Ted Staunton

Set in a small town in Canada, the start finds the main character, Sam Foster, 14, hanging out with his friends. Two things happen: his close friend Darryl has shoved a crash helmet on Sam's head, which got stuck on. And Sam has fallen in love with a girl he sees performing on stage at the local talent show. After Sam finally gets the helmet off his head, he is on the hunt to find out who the girl singer is and get to know her. 

In his hunt for the girl, Madison Dakota, Sam gets to know his friends and classmates better and his neighbors better and takes some important steps on the path to young adulthood.  

This was an ok book to read. Not a lot happens in it. Sam manages to find Madison but not much results from that knowledge. The rock band he is in breaks up but he soon joins another band. He struggles with some school assignments, most of his struggles of which would be solved if he would simply do the work required. 

Sam is a harmless, well-meaning puppy of a boy as is this story, intended for middle school age readers. There are no great mysteries, no great challenges, no fantastic adventures. Just a boy in a small town, experiencing everyday life. 

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