Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Genocidal Healer

By James White

Lioren was a capable young surgeon in the Monitor Corps when he and the space ship he served on were called to attend an emergency situation on a newly discovered and civilized planet. The population of this planet are in crisis, being decimated by a planet-wide plague. If something isn't done, and quickly, there will be no one left alive.
Seized by a sense of urgency, Lioren makes a tragic mistake that results in the deaths of nearly all the inhabitants of the planet. As punishment, Lioren is stripped of his rank and kicked out of the Corps. He is then assigned to the position of trainee in the psychology department of Sector General Hospital, a hospital that specializes in treating beings from all over the galaxy, manned by beings from all over the galaxy.
But this is not what Lioren wants. His overwhelming feelings of guilt causes him to crave a much harsher penalty: a death sentence. Working at Sector General in the psychiatric department is the last thing he wants. But it just might be exactly what he needs.

This was an okay story. But towards the last third, a lot of the book is discussions about religion and guilt and god and the meaning of existence.  So not anything I care about. That part was boring, just boring.

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