Saturday, August 24, 2024

Some Girls Bite


By Chloe Neill

First book in the Chicagoland vampires series.

In this story all the creatures of our folktales and fairy tales and probably mythology are real and living among us. Including vampires, who have revealed themselves to the world for reasons that are suspicious or just not very clear. The Chicago vampires are divided into Houses: Cadogan, Navarre, and Grey. In addition to the housed vampires, another group of stray or unaffiliated vampires are called Rogues. It is Merit's misfortune to be attacked and nearly killed by a stray vampire one Chicago night. In order to save her life, an affiliated vampire, leader of House Cadogan, who just happened to be nearby, turned her vampire. Without her consent, but she was unconscious and unable to consent to the sudden change in her life.

Before being attacked, Merit was kind of a nerdy college student, working on her dissertation for her graduate work. But that is now all over, as the college doesn't accept vampires as students. Everything she worked for is over, all her plans erased and a new reality that Merit is finding very difficult to accept. She is rebellious and disinclined to cooperate, especially after being told she needs to join House Cadogan or become a Rogue. 

She begins to adapt to her new reality but doesn't really feel comfortable with her fellow Cadogan vampires who all seem to believe she should be thrilled to be included in their company, especially the guy who saved her life by turning her vampire, their leader, Ethan. Merit liked her life before and isn't all that grateful. But the vampires lay down the law, saying that she needs to swear loyalty to Cadogan and to Ethan. Or be an outcast and rogue. 

So she knuckles under and takes the oath and becomes part of Cadogan and swears to protect the house and its leader, Ethan. At which point the story became so boring I had a hard time finishing it.  And there is a serial killer plot that starts out pretty interesting until the guilty party confronts Ethan and blurts everything out without anyone hardly even needing to ask. Like the author got bored with the story too and decided to just wrap it up. 

This book reads like a sixteen year old teenage girl's fantasy about vampires. These vampires are all young (looking) and all beautiful and dressing in sexy black clothing and hanging out together like kids in a dorm. Which is basically what Cadogan House is, a fancy dorm for vampires. Also these vampires eat regular food and drink alcohol, only needing human blood as a supplement. Garlic doesn't bother them, nor does holy water, or crosses and they are not invisible in mirrors. Just really watered down vampires, designed to enjoy the perks of being vampires and human at the same time. Perfect teenage girl fantasy vampires. 

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